Books and special issues
>> Papers
- Xiao-Shan Gao, Hongbo Li, Dongming Wang (eds.): Dedicated to the Centenary Birthday of the Late Professor Wu Wen-Tsün (1919-2017) - Special issue of the Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. AMSS-CAS and Springer, China and Germany, 2019.
- Jacques Fleuriot, Dongming Wang, Jacques Calmet (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation - AISC 2018 Proceedings. LNAI 11110. Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2018.
- Tudor Jebelean, Wei Li, Dongming Wang (eds.): Program Verification, Automated Debugging and Symbolic Computation - Special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation. Elsevier, London, 2017.
- J. Rafael Sendra, Dongming Wang, Jing Yang (eds.): Geometric Computation - Special issue of Mathematics in Computer Science. Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel, 2016.
- Xiaoyu Chen, Dongming Wang, Xiangliang Zhang (eds.): Mathematics, Data and Knowledge - Special focus of Mathematics in Computer Science. Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel, 2013.
- Dongming Wang, Viorel Negru, Tetsuo Ida, Tudor Jebelean, Dana Petcu, Stephen Watt, Daniela Zaharie (eds.): Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2011). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2012.
- 王东明、牟晨琪、李晓亮、杨静、金萌、黄艳丽: 多项式代数. 高等教育出版社, 北京, 2011.
- 王东明、夏壁灿、李子明:计算机代数 (第二版). 清华大学出版社, 北京, 2007.
- Shangzhi Li, Dongming Wang, Jingzhong Zhang (eds.): Symbolic Computation and Education. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore New Jersey, 2007.
- Markus Rosenkranz, Dongming Wang (eds.): Gröbner Bases in Symbolic Analysis. de Gruyter, Berlin New York, 2007.
- Dongming Wang, Lihong Zhi (eds.): Symbolic-Numeric Computation. Birkhäuser, Basel Boston, 2007.
- Dongming Wang, Lihong Zhi (eds.): Symbolic and Numeric Computation - Special issue of Mathematics in Computer Science. Birkhäuser, Basel Boston, 2007.
- Jacques Calmet, Tetsuo Ida, Dongming Wang (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation - AISC 2006 Proceedings. LNAI 4120. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
- Hoon Hong, Dongming Wang (eds.): Automated Deduction in Geometry - ADG 2004 Revised Papers. LNAI 3763. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
- Dongming Wang, Zhiming Zheng (eds.): Differential Equations with Symbolic Computation. Birkhäuser, Basel Boston, 2005.
- Falai Chen, Dongming Wang (eds.): Geometric Computation. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore New Jersey, 2004.
- Dongming Wang: Elimination Practice: Software Tools and Applications. Imperial College Press, London, 2004.